Why I Asked My Mom To Walk Me Down The Aisle

I like keeping to traditions but I also like breaking them and figuring out for myself if the tradition suits the personal values I have crafted for my own life. I think there are a lot of traditions that are sacred to keep as is but like anything, there is always room for improvement. Some might not agree but that’s okay because we all have our own unique values. I like to discover for myself what traditions are for me and what ones aren’t. 

And for me, I feel like mothers don’t get any recognition in the traditional wedding ceremony.

  • The father is the one that walks the daughter down the aisle.

  • The father gets the father-daughter dance

  • They also give the father of the bride speech


She was the one that pushed me out… but in my mom’s case, she got her tummy cut open.

She was the one that sat with me at night to make sure I would do my homework and meet my book report deadlines.

My mom put so much effort into the upbringing like most moms or whoever is the primary caregiver for you.

She is the one person in the world that I have always strived to make proud of.

So on my big day…of course I would want, Mom, to walk me down…

Everything above I mentioned is right, but my reasoning is quite simple. I have always visualised that I would want my mother to hold my arm to walk me to my future husband. No one else does so much and never takes the recognition, which is why she deserves this moment as she has been my constant heart throughout my life.

I’ve been to weddings where most bride also gets both parents to walk them down, and it was something that I thought about as well. Tony got both of his parents to walk him down the aisle as they have been his constant companions throughout his life.

I am very grateful to have two significant male role models in my life. One person who I have mentioned a few times in my blog is my father, Fin Williams. The other was my older brother James who was growing up I idealised so much alongside many of my peers in school. He is just the most relaxed person I know! As part of the ceremony, I had them walk together with my niece Emma to wait for me just before the entrance of the mandala circle.

I wanted my entire family to “give me away” as they each hold a vital role in raising me to be the person I am today. The joining of two families meant something to me, and I wanted it to also say a lot to everyone in my family as I don’t believe my family was giving me away.  It was a day of celebrating our family joining the union to become one.

I had two Hughes on one hand, and I had two Williams on the other hand, which truly represented all the stages my life has a journey through to get me to this point.

As my family joined hands with the Hajichristou family symbolised that both families were now NEW FAMILY through our marriage. I wanted each member of our families to feel the importance of their role in the union.

If you get any takeaway from this blog post is to always follow through with what you visualised your special day to look like with the most important people surrounding you. You don’t even need to justify it at all. My reasoning for sharing this with all of you is to take a moment to honour my mom. She deserves it, and I’m so proud to be a mama’s girl!

I have so much more to share on the wedding ceremony in the next blog about the reason why I created it in a mandala circle. Stay tuned in…


Through Meditation I Created Our Wedding Ceremony


What does the “spirit of this holiday season” mean to you?