Don’t just buy new…

I bought these Frank Green keep cups in Melbourne 4 years ago and absolutely loved them because of their vibrant colours. Also, the press top button is so easy to use. However, Tony’s hands are constantly dirty from working on cars and this awesome orange and yellow cup became ugly and dirty and it wouldn’t come off.

Today I took them out on a walk with yogi friend Hannah and I felt really awful giving her my “dirty-looking” but clean keep cup. As we wanted to have a coffee while we walked and talked and I forgot to tell her to bring hers. She explained to me that she usually puts her back into her bag but didn’t put the washing up away so it got put away into the cupboard vs her bag.

Don’t you just hate that when you leave without your keep cup… and some places don’t have takeaway cups anymore. So you either miss out or have to sit in. Usually, if I forget mine… I just sit in and have it if I have time. Otherwise… no coffee for me. I have been tempted to just buy another keep cup in the shop but stop myself as I know I already have 2 at home which is more than enough for me to own.

So I got home from our walk and I remembered that Syari had got me a new scrubber called Euroscrubby so I used it to clean my cup and to my amazement, it started rubbing off the dirt marks that had been left on my cups for years.

It did leave a few scratch marks on my cup but I’m so happy with the result as it looks new and clean…see photos below.

We have this mindset if it isn’t working or you tried a few times to clean it and nothing is working we just toss it out and buy another one. I’m guilty of having this kind of mindset for years… but since starting my eco journey I had to rethink all my purchasing habits…here are a few of them listed below

Now when I do purchase anything from food to clothing, to homewares I always think about the planet. In the beginning, it was frustrating to always stop and think about these things but after a while now it’s just become second nature to me.

I am still guilty of purchasing items I probably shouldn’t have out of convenience. I have not bought items in stores like carrots if they don’t have them in non-wrapped plastic. I refuse to support buying items wrapped in plastic, especially veggies. It’s hard to be like this but it’s the only way big stores will get the message that we don’t want our vegetables wrapped in plastic…. but we ALL need to stop buying items in plastic wrapping.

I wrote a blog post on Where To Shop For Your New Sustainable Lifestyle last year if you don’t already have produce bags in your already reusable shopping bags… you can find a few shops links with discount codes for Yogi Hunter Tribe members.


Recycle your jars to store noodles


One Green Dress