DIY Vegetable Plant Dyed Baby Clothes
I have wanted to do this plant dying for YEARS!!!! So excited I finally got to do it and with baby clothes which was so much fun and cute.
There is a technique on what kind of fabric to use that works best and how long to keep them into the dye… but we just had fun with it. This is the recipes we followed and got inspiration from as Spell is one of my favourite designers and my dress is from their new collection Meadowville.
The Result
The Sage Green and the Beetroot Red did not turn out as vibrant as we don’t think we left it in long enough so I might do them again.
However the Yellow (tumeric /onion shells) and Brown (black tea bags) worked out wonderful.
I have successfully washed them and they didn’t lose the colour. But I assume over time they will which means I will have just plant dye them again one Sunday afternoon.
Super fun idea for any gathering with friends for those creative souls like mine.