Happy Earth 🌎 Month!!!

There are tons of ways you can celebrate Earth Month!

My first challenge for you is to shift the way you are buying food and how you are going to dispose of the leftover waste of it!

This is my first attempt to ever grow my own potatoes 🥔 from ones that I left too long in the cupboard.

It’s a one going debate in our house as Tony buys a bag of potatoes for a few dollars vs I only buy potatoes I will cook and use so we don’t waste any like these ones.

Even though we would normally compost the potatoes 🥔 the point is the amount of effort it takes to grow potatoes in the store is ENORMOUS!

The water they need
The growers pick them and package them
The delivery to the supermarkets- $$ fuel cost
The staff unloading and putting them out on the shelf

All before we bought them to make a simple potatoes salad or roast potatoes for a meal.

Because we don’t see all the effort or know the exact cost and time it takes to grow them we don’t fully appreciate it.

All we care about is the price it is at the checkout.

This mentally needs to shift because convenient and cheap produce is what is causing major problems in the agriculture industry…. And ultimately the planet!

We might not be able to farm our own vegetables and I’m not saying we should. But we should be more mindful of how we purchase food and only buy what we need vs the items that are in plastic bags being sold for cheap prices!

How do we dispose of our leftover or waste food… if it doesn’t get cooked or used do you compost it or maybe gift it to a friend to use before tossing it in the bin!

There are so many ways not to waste products we just got to get better at practising better habits with buying and disposing of food.

Your options:

1. Compost - drop off at the #yogatentstudio or @sharewaste
2. Replant 🥔 to grow more potatoes 🌱
3. Gift the veggies before they go off if you know you won’t cook them!

Let’s CARE MORE about how our actions or lack of inaction are impacting the planet 🌏 Mother Earth




Recycling Drop Off