Yogi # 8 Pat
YOGI: Pat Savina
AGE: 45
Victoria Park
Ethnic background:
Italian Irish
STUDENT: How long have you been practising?
8 years
YOUR STUDIO: Care More Community #yogatentstudio
How often do you practice asana?
2 times
How often do you meditate?
Once a month
What did you think of yoga before you tried it for yourself?
Tbh, it looked a little boring, but I was always curious
Why do you LOVE practising yoga now?
It shuts my brain up better than anything else in the world, I feel so calm afterwards, I feel part of a proud and caring community, and there are always new moves to learn. Also, I feel a lot less physical pain since I started.
Do you think yoga has changed you in any way: Yes WHY?
In general, I'm a lot more chilled. Oh, and the music played by my teachers has had a massive impact on my life and has been a huge inspiration creatively.
What do you believe are the long term benefits of practising yoga?
Medicine for the brain and body.
Do you recommend yoga to people, your friends, family? If so what is their response?
Yep, I regularly recommend it to others, most people want to do it but find it hard to find the time. I notice though once people start doing it regularly they can become addicted quickly and then start prioritising it.
Anything else you would like to share about yoga that you feel would help inspire others to start practising yoga?
Remember, it's impossible to be bad at yoga, so never use that as an excuse to not do it