Yogi #2 Emily

Yogi Emily

YOGI: Emily

AGE: 24

RESIDE: Wilson 6107


STUDENT: 5 years

TEACHER: Yogi Kim and Syari (maybe me one day!)

YOUR STUDIO: Yoga Tent Studio and at home

What did you think of yoga before you tried it for yourself?

I grew up dancing and attending a lot of body conditioning/stretching classes. I always loved those classes so thought yoga would be similar to that, but also with a breathing/meditative element.

Why do you LOVE practicing yoga now?

I LOVE both the physical and mental/emotional practices involved. My favourite style is Yin- you hold poses for longer so you can really ease into a deep stretch. It is interesting to see where your thoughts go when you are staying still for longer periods of time. Yin is good too because you learn to breathe through the uncomfortable moments, i.e. the stretches and also the wandering of the mind. It feels like you have taken the biggest breath of fresh air in and released all the tension when you breathe it out. Pure Bliss.

Do you think yoga has changed you in anyway (yes or no) if yes ... WHY?

Yes- physically I have noticed a change in how different positions feel easier or harder. Mental changes took longer; I found it hard to stay mindful in class (and often still do) but it definitely got easier. Out of class I have noticed changes in the way I speak to myself- when I feel stressed, I consciously take slower deeper breaths in and out. I also find in general I am more mindful and really make an effort to be in the moment- just like at yoga you really strive to stay mindful with what your body and breath are doing.

What do you believe are the long term benefits of practicing yoga?

Feeling grounded more often, improvements in flexibility, faster recovery from physical injury.

Do you recommend yoga to people, your friends, family? If so what is their response?

ALWAYS. Most common response is "I can't do that!" which is not true. Then we get into a big discussion about how yoga is really for everyone and every mind and body in any state. I think most people feel self-conscious and worry about other people watching/judging them, which is a shame. In practice, the only body you are really concerned about is your own and how you feel. And the only person you really look at is the teacher so you can see what the hell position your body is supposed to be in haha.

Anything else you would like to share about yoga that you feel would help inspire others to start practising yoga?

As someone who struggles from all sorts of mental health issues plus severe chronic pain, yoga is my biggest saviour. It has helped me accept so much about life, has helped me learn to breath through the difficult times and let them come and go, and made me feel lighter in my everyday life. I cannot even find the words to describe how I feel after class- it is beautiful and extreme bliss.


Yogi # 5 Sam


Yogi #3 Tegan and Yogi #4 Alex