Yogi #3 Tegan and Yogi #4 Alex
“The physical benefits are some obvious ones but the mindfulness aspect and stress regulation have the greatest impact on me personally. ”
“And although I was self-conscious at first, you soon learn that everyone is focused on their own yoga practice and everyone is at different stages.”
YOGI: Tegan
AGE: 32
RESIDE: Victoria Park
Ethnic background: White
STUDENT: About 5 or 6 years
YOUR STUDIO: At the Yoga Tent! For the previous 2 years, Alex and I were living in London where we attended a yoga studio across the road from our apartment before doing virtual classes in our apartment once the pandemic hit.
What did you think of yoga before you tried it for yourself?
I did not know there would be as much strength involved, in addition to balance and flexibility, so I tended to do Pilates instead before understanding yoga better.
Why do you LOVE practicing yoga now?
I love that it is a great combination of strength, stretch, balance and mindfulness. I especially love evening classes as a way to disconnect from the day and focus only on my practice.
Do you think yoga has changed you in anyway (yes or no) if yes ... WHY?
Yes - aside from the fitness aspect, I have noticed that it puts me in a good mood for the rest of the week. It is a real anchor in my week now. As I tend to do evening Tuesday classes, if I don't, my perception of the days of the week is totally skewed!
What do you believe are the long term benefits of practicing yoga?
The physical benefits are some obvious ones but the mindfulness aspect and stress regulation have the greatest impact on me personally. It is also nice to practice with my partner and so it is something we can do together on an evening each week that is just for ourselves.
Do you recommend yoga to people, your friends, family? If so what is their response?
A lot of my friends and family already do yoga but yea I would recommend it!
Anything else you would like to share about yoga that you feel would help inspire others to start practising yoga?
It is something that can be adapted regardless of your level and then continue to be adapted as you personally develop, which makes it so approachable but also continuously challenges you as you get stronger/more flexible. That is something I love about yoga and keeps me at it.
“It is also nice to practice with my partner and so it is something we can do together on an evening each week that is just for ourselves.”
YOGI: Alex
AGE: 35
RESIDE: Victoria Park
Ethnic background: Welsh Australian
How long have you been practising? 3 years
YOUR STUDIO: Care More Community - Yoga Tent
What did you think of yoga before you tried it for yourself?
I can't really remember, but I think I probably perceived it as not being strenuous enough. Up until my early thirties, my exercise focus was always on cardio like cycling and running. I even thought stretching was a waste of time when I was younger! In my early thirties, I decided to run my first half marathon, but no matter how much cardio I did I reached a point where I felt I was no longer improving. I started doing yoga with my partner, and I suddenly felt better running and my times improved. Yoga brought balance to my exercise regime that I didn't have before.
Why do you LOVE practicing yoga now?
Yoga gives me something to look forward to in the middle of the workweek. It helps me to relax after the workday, gives me some mental space, and is something I enjoy doing with my partner.
Do you think yoga has changed you in any way (yes or no) if yes ... WHY?
Yes - I think yoga has helped me to be more aware of my body and my mind.
What do you believe are the long term benefits of practicing yoga?
I think there are long term health benefits - both physically and mentally. There is also a nice community aspect - everyone I've met practicing yoga has been very friendly.
Do you recommend yoga to people, your friends, family? If so, what is their response?
Yes, I recommend yoga to others. Some have a perception that they couldn't do yoga, or that it's not for them. I try to explain that there isn't a single way to practice yoga and that there is a type of yoga to suit every age and fitness level.
Anything else you would like to share about yoga that you feel would help inspire others to start practising yoga?
It can be overwhelming that there are different types of yoga, and that it's a class format where people might not feel comfortable as a beginner. I've found multiple packages that enable people to try lots of different classes for a reasonable price. And although I was self-conscious at first, you soon learn that everyone is focused on their own yoga practice and everyone is at different stages.