Yogi Florence #13 & Yogi Nic #14
YOGI: Florence
AGE: 29
Ethnic background: Southern England.
How long have you been practising?
I only started in November last year so around 6 months, but I can’t believe how far I have come in that time.
Who is your yoga teacher?
Syari is amazing. She believes in me and pushes me to believe in myself.
Where do you practise yoga?
I attend nearly all of Syari’s classes so I travel to a different gym, a university, a rock climbing centre and of course the awesome Care More Community Tent.
What is your favourite type of yoga?
I absolutely love Vinyasa yoga, the slow flow really gives me the time to concentrate on my form and build my strength.
How often do you practice asana?
I attend Vinyasa classes religious 3 times a week but I do also do Restorative Yoga every Monday.
How often do you meditate?
3-4 times a week.
What did you think of yoga before you tried it for yourself?
Truthfully, I imagined it to be easy and just a fancy group stretching class. Man, I was so wrong.
Why do you LOVE practicing yoga now?
I have so much core strength that I never could have imagined having before. Every week I can feel how much my balance and strength have improved.
Do you think yoga has changed you in anyway?
100%, since starting Yoga I have become much more motivated and even feel like I can concentrate better. I have learnt how to listen to my body and know when to stop or how far I can push myself.
What do you believe are the long term benefits of practicing yoga?
I think practicing Yoga really gives you the drive to want to improve both your ability and wellbeing. There is something enchanting about it that really brings people together.
Do you recommend yoga to people, friends or family?
If so what is their response? All the time, I have two heavily pregnant besties who have seen how much Yoga has changed my life and can’t wait to give it a go once their bubs are here! Even my AMAZING 62-year-old Mumma bear is considering giving it a crack when she immigrates here at the end of the year.
Anything else you would like to share about yoga that you feel would help inspire others to start practising yoga?
Just turn up! That first time you go it seems like so much effort, but just do it. Once you get there and start testing your limits, you’ll be so impressed with what your body can really do when you put your mind to it
AGE: 28
Ethnic background: Grew up on the South coast of England, I am half British and half Singaporean.
How long have you been practising?
I have been steadily practising for 9 months.
Who is your yoga teacher?
The Beautiful Syari
Where do you practise yoga?
From the nearest gym to tent yoga, to local uni.
What is your favourite style of Yoga?
Vinyasa Yoga for physical & Restorative Yoga for mental.
How often do you practice asana?
I’ll always try to get in 1to 2 sessions a week.
How often do you meditate?
One hour once a week at the Care More Community Tent and once or twice a week on my Shakti mat for 20-30 minutes.
What did you think of yoga before you tried it for yourself?
I imagined it wouldn’t be very beneficial as I have a high-intensity sporting background.
Why do you LOVE practicing yoga now?
Yoga has taken my mobility to the next level.
Do you think yoga has changed you in any way?
Yes - it had improved my mental and physical well-being.
What do you believe are the long term benefits of practicing yoga?
Improved mental awareness and muscle conditioning.
Do you recommend yoga to people, friends or family?
If so what is their response? Yes, I get asked often and I always highly recommend they give it a try.
Anything else you would like to share about yoga that you feel would help inspire others to start practising yoga?
Once you fully open yourself to yoga, it has some amazing benefits. You just have to be patient and don’t be afraid to find a teacher that you connect with