YOGA (what it looks like for me these days)

I have to admit that my yoga asana (physical practice) has gone out the window. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not that I can’t do it, but I just haven’t made time for myself. I can see how parents get lost in this trap of having NO TIME for ME, and I will OPENLY admit 🙋🏻‍♀️ I have noticed myself get lost in not priorities my healthy habits... (totally guilty)  🤦🏻‍♀️

However, we do have time. We are just distracting ourselves with other things that are easy like

Scrolling, binge-watching tv, cleaning up, doing laundry or making meals!

Parenthood is a FULL plate, no denying this... but it comes down to what we VALUE as important that makes or breaks this mentally to do something for ourselves to prioritise our health and well-being.

I am incredibly grateful I found yoga before becoming a parent!!!

Having this beautiful seven-year devoted yoga practice has helped my journey through motherhood with calm and ease. I have a fundamental understanding of my SELF! I know my body, mind and spirit, and they speak to me through an inner knowing.

For example:

• I know how everything is temporary

• How my body will be my temple again to nourish, and right now, it is nurturing the child within and the child in my arms

• How important it is for EVERYONE to learn how to prioritise their mind, body and spirit. Health is ESSENTIAL in all aspects of your life

and especially parenthood

• How my journey to the self through the self has deepened even more

1. simple mindfulness in everything I do (not to react but be present)

2. daily intentions (closing my eyes whilst drinking cacao every morning)

3. teaching my son how to take deep breaths to calm him when he gets upset

4. how my spirit rejoices when it manages to create art when the baby is asleep, and I should be napping, but I’d instead nourish my own heart

After years of wanting to teach my students how to take what they learn on the yoga mat off the mat, I can wholeheartedly state that I live my life as if I am on that mat.

I have trained my mind, body, and soul to breathe in all the lessons I have learnt over these years into my daily life so much that I see myself teaching my son things without thinking it just is how things are.

I may not be able to roll out my mat every day, but there isn’t a day when my heart isn’t practising yoga on some level. I truly live and breathe yoga daily.

Yoga is the journey I have embarked on, and I know there is no ending. It is for life.

I am honoured to witness how it has impacted my journey as a parent.

Starting today with a new healthy habit like yoga is how not to get lost in parenthood.

“Yoga didn’t just change my life. It TRANSFORMED it on multiple levels I am not expressing in all one post.”

It might be a challenge to start learning how to prioritise your health with a FULL plate (or weight) of parenthood but trust me, we both know you got time... You just got to prioritize it!

Stop what you are doing, which is just distracting your mind. Make a plan, book a class and do something healthy for your mind, body and spirit.

PLEASE TRUST that your “SELF” will be thankful you did something for YOU!


Ending a chapter