Ending a chapter

With a VERY HEAVY heart, I will not be re-opening the Yoga Tent Studio... some of you might find this shocking news and others understand that it might have been coming...

I feel in my heart this chapter has ended. It is heartbreaking to let go of something I love so dearly and have so much desire to keep pursuing it, yet now I am being called to a higher purpose. But to grow, you have not to be afraid to let go. So I am trusting this calling with faith that it will come back in a new way that is yet to be determined in the future.

The Yoga Tent was more than a class; it was an experience that no other studio or online course could ever recreate because when you stepped inside the Tent, you were transported into a magical feeling. This feeling would keep you wanting to stay in the Yoga Tent to the point that you would wish to sleep over because it felt so good after class. I hope you have experienced it, as this is how I thought it was received all these years.

I have had so many beautiful cups of tea after class talking more and getting to know every single one of my students, not just by name but on a personal level. This Yoga Tent has never really been a business but a Community to me. The way people talk about their online Instagram community would be nothing compared to knowing everyone who walks into the Tent and has at least one cup of tea with them, even if it were for only one class we shared. Every person mattered to me because you wanted to discover something different, whether doing yoga for the first time or wanting to experience it in the Yoga Tent instead of a building. 

I have seen the power of the Yogi Tribe now Care More Community support lift my spirits and the Yoga Tent from low places not just once but twice over the past seven years of running this business. 

Grand Opening of the Second Tent 

after successfully crowdfunding $3500 when my first Tent crashed

Many times, I had thought of giving up because it became too hard to manage or felt like it was not meant to be. Still, then when I asked for help from the community of students, you never disappointed me and helped crowd-fund $3500 to buy a new Yoga Tent in 2017 and then spoke on my behalf of me at the Town Council meeting when they did not want to approve my application in 2021.

This has not been easy for me as this community is my family, and I don't want to lose this special connection. Also, the space in my backyard has been a shared community space since we bought the house. It's going to be weird not to see people show up to hang out and do yoga every week. 

I believe this is not the end of the Yoga Tent, and it is time for it to transform into something I am not sure about yet. I have many visions for the future and don't feel ready yet to reveal any particular one. 

However, I am profoundly grateful for all the past and present students who have continued to practice with me since the house on Langler St in the tiny front bedroom and Ashburton St. 


I have dedicated a lot of time to the Yoga Tent, and I am so proud of all that it has accomplished in 7 years and know I have come a long way from where I started, which was hanging flyers on the local IGA bulletin board too;

• Sunday Farmers Market Yoga Classes 
• Yoga Hikes + Rottnest Yoga Hike
• Sup Yoga 
• Yoga Workshops
• Beer & Blokes Yoga
• Yoga & Wine for Collective Essentials 
• Meditation Music with Pat
• Teaching yoga in Bali Retreats
• Mandala/Macrame Workshops
• Sound bath with Clare & Syari
• Camping Retreats in Dwellingnup

Mini Yogis

Ages 2-5 was one of my favourite classes to teach every Monday morning! 
With some of the most fabulous mamas that are still now my friends today!!!

Car Free Day

Street Party 

Christmas Party 2020

First Camping Retreat

We bought a meditation tent
So much fun this crew making mandala boards, yoga hikes, cooking and eating outdoors

Yoga & Wine Annual Donation Class

To support Essentials for Women

Yoga Hike

some of the most magical classes shared listening to Pat play live guitar

You can listen to his music on Spotify now!

Considering I never really wanted to be a Yoga Teacher and just wanted to photograph Yogi's, it is UNREAL the path you go on when you follow one idea down a path and discover it's your passion.

It is your life mission to spread the joy of yoga to more people because it has helped you heal your heart and past trauma and opened your mind to endless possibilities of awareness. 

Why would I not want to share it with others so they can know and understand the power of yoga?

I have been trying to explain yoga for years, and that probably is the best paragraph I have ever written about it. HA, it has finally taken me seven years and closing down to write that summary. 

But I am rambling because there is too much to say, and no email could summarise everything… as there is too much that has happened in 7 years!


There are truly no words I can say that will be enough to express how much I could not have done these past couple of years without the most beautiful soul sister Syari! She has been my constant rock and has helped me in many ways outside the Yoga Tent… It is crazy to believe she started as a student, and I went on to teach her amazing daughters, Mia and Eva, yoga. Her discovering her journey of wanting to become a Yoga Teacher and sharing her light with the community has been magical. This is not the end but the beginning of so much more for Syari. I cannot wait for her to blossom even more. If you don’t listen to her yoga Nidra online yet, please make sure you do… I also link her podcast on my website, but please follow and continue to support her.

My biggest SUPPORTER that has helped make this dream a reality has been Tony because he let me feel unbelievably FREE just to be ME! It sounds simple, but it can be tough to show all of who you are as living a yoga lifestyle is not traditionally how our culture lives today, from the food I choose to eat to the way I prefer to think, move and live with such an open, curious heart. It hasn’t been effortless, but in so many ways, it has been because he believes in me. 

This community has watched us get engaged, married and now birth an amazing son Phoenix! We value this community so much; this decision has been hard for us because we both don’t want to end this chapter. 

However, we understand it must so it can grow stronger. As this new chapter BEGINS, I will still be here for the community in a new capacity. 

With all of that now said, I will be having a Grand Finale event in March date is to be determined, as I am going to Canada to visit my family in Feb, so please stay tuned in for when this event will be happening.


Truly from the bottom of my heart for caring too much to be part of this community. It has been such an honour to serve as your Yoga Teacher; I know I will miss it so much!



YOGA (what it looks like for me these days)


Free Mandala Meditation Colouring