Free Mandala Meditation Colouring

As most of you know, I love to UPCYCLE or REPURPOSE anything, and everything, as my mind, has been programmed this way since becoming a massive advocate for Saving The Planet.

After hosting a few Mandala Cacao Circles and just drawing my mandala drawings for fun, I had these Mandala drawings lying around. I would use them in workshops to share as examples with students, but most of the time, I kept them in a box, trying not to ruin them.

They were getting worn out from handling them, so I thought, how can I repurpose this artwork that I love but has NO real purpose anymore they are not in a cool art journal but large drawings taking up space.

At the time of this idea, it seemed like a quick and easy task to achieve set up because I already had the artwork done.


There was a process for everything, and that takes time which is silly of me always doesn’t take into account how long sometimes.

I have a mind that operates with an attitude I’ll figure it out it seems simple enough to upload. I have NEVER uploaded any of my artwork before, which holding me back from getting this idea to you. My issue was I did not set aside TIME for me to figure out HOW I was going to make this idea work.

I needed a special scanner or editing software to get an artwork drawing online... well, I was WRONG!

Let me tell you, once I started this process of

• just going to Officeworks and standing in line for the scanner

• to editing it in Photoshop to enhance the drawing lines

• to naming each drawing and saving it in the right format

• to printing it out to see what it looks like as a TEST run

• to photograph it for promotion on socials

• to uploading it onto my website

• to write the description and make sure I have uploaded the right PDF to download

• to adjust my website shop to add it into a new Yoga Essentials area of my website

• to now add all the links to this newsletter

It took me 3 days working on it for a few hours at a time to get it to a place where I can now official share it.

My mind was complicating this idea because I thought it was something new, but when it came down to each of the steps I listed above are things I have done MANY times over as I have created every website I have ever had, this is my 3/4th one.

The reason I share this story with you is that if you have an IDEA of any kind that you have started yet.

1. ask yourself

• what are things HOLDING you back from working on this idea?

• for me, it was I had never shared artwork before, and I overthought the process, but in the end, I had all the skills already to upload and share it

2. breakdown your idea

• write them into steps from start to finish (even put a timeline and set up a schedule for each step)

• I always skip this step... Don't break it down into manageable steps makes the idea less BIG and more achievable

3. find purpose in your idea

• this will help drive you to keep your focus

• This idea I always intended on being FREE for my community to download and print off at work to colouring during lunch break or maybe put up as artwork at their desk. Colouring, as an adult, I find so calming and NEEDED in our lives and if this is something you enjoy or someone you know will enjoy, PLEASE share it with a FRIEND.

Here are 3 of my favourite drawings available to download as FREE colouring PDFs for your meditative colouring if you do colour it, please tag or share it with me on socials @caremorecommunity


Ending a chapter


So why is it SO Hard to just get your mat out?