So why is it SO Hard to just get your mat out?

The beauty of yoga is just being able to do it anywhere… BUT you know this already!!!
So why is it SOOOO Hard to just get your mat out?

Well, it's because you haven't don’t these three things!

1. Created an intention/reason/purpose as to WHY you should do yoga?
When you create meaning behind your actions, you will be more driven to take action as you understand your purpose.

2. You have not set aside time in your day to do your yoga practice, so set the alarm on your phone at a specific time you know you are free to do it.

3. Once you figured out a time as to when you can do it, you need to make it into a habit! This is where most of us make good intentions to keep a habit but fall short because we haven't completed the first STEP, which is knowing your intention.

For me personally, yoga is how I keep healthy all year long!
— Yogi Kim

I include sitting and just meditating as my physical (asana) practice changes based on my body’s capabilities, and whilst pregnant wasn't manageable.

I have come to understand that my body, mind and spirit need to be a priority for me to do my work, to be a loving wife, and to be a nurturing mother. I can only do this well if I am HEALTHY!

Now more than ever, I know without my yoga practice, I wouldn't understand how IMPORTANT it is to be aware of the LOVE I need to show myself every single day.

Some days I am not able to love myself 100% because my feelings are low vibes, but I am accepting of these feelings, whether they are dark or light.

This is a deep self-reflection I have journeyed to this place of awareness because I have practised yoga for YEARS. I have become so habitual (devoted) that this deep self-reflection is now part of my essence.

I am constantly learning more and more about myself, but at the same time, I am also unlearning bad habits, old ways of thinking or beliefs that have been programmed into me from my childhood or culturally from our society.

The practice has a beginning, but there is NO end in anyone's yoga journey… Yoga is a journey to the SELF through the self, and as we are ever-growing beings, so is the practice.

So if you have stopped practising for a bit, I hope this inspires you to roll out your mat again, and if you are only at the beginning, WELCOME to this amazing practice that I hope will HELP you as it has helped me heal but mostly fall in love with myself the good, the bad, the light, the dark and everything in-between.

So make sure you figure out YOUR WHY and then make TIME and FOLLOW THROUGH so that you can receive all the benefits I have shared above, as there is so much more to YOGA than most people realise.


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