Hidden Cabin

A magical weekend away for our Baby Moon at the Hidden Cabin! We can’t recommend this location enough for anyone looking to escape Perth for a few nights. They have just recently released another Tiny Home in a new location which we hope to visit once the baby is born.

Slowing down and being in the present moment is so important to us. We are both very hard workers especially when it comes to our home projects which seem endless. With the newborn arriving within weeks we have been trying to finalise a lot of projects which probably won’t happen. If you own a house you will understand it is never finished, there is always work to be done to it.

Slowing down only usually happens when we take our Kombi van out for day or weekend trips as it is very slow to drive and we always get to park her in such amazing spots.

I decided to surprise Tony with this Baby Moon getaway for us as I knew it would be important for us to just be together and enjoy a bit of luxury by staying in accommodation vs our Kombi van for a change.

Hidden Cabin was perfect as it’s still so close to Perth that if for whatever reason I went into labour we could drive back.

I am also a MASSIVE fan of Tiny Homes and have been wanting to stay in one for a long time as it is my dream to build one for us one day. So when I discovered that Florence was not booked out in May I just booked it and told Tony later on.

He has been working so hard on the house for the past 8 months getting everything ready for babies arrival that we both needed a break. Now we wished we stayed longer but we were happy to just enjoy these 2 nights together in nature.

Being in nature has this immediate power that lets your body relax and feel calm.

We had talked about it for a while now to stop using our electric kettle at home and invest in our own steam whistle. It’s just another way for us to slow down another pleasure in life that we have come a custom to being so quick and convenient.

Who knew waiting for the water to boil and listening to the steam whistle blow would bring so much joy into the day.

Cooking meals together felt so wonderful for us to enjoy the simple things in the life of just helping each other cook a meal and that was the main task to do for the day.

Putting on the steam whistle kettle and waiting for the water the boil became one of my favourite things to do whilst staying at the cabin.

Creating a fire in the tiny fireplace called Meg and the outdoor campfire 🔥 was so much fun to do and so amazing to listen to the crackle.

I loved the smell of wood and how it burns it always brings me so many good memories. 

I grew up with wood burners in all my houses as a kid so making fires on a regular base was my lifestyle.

There is an art to making a good fire and understanding how wood burns.

I have been wanting to put a tiny wood burner in our house like the one in the photo above and I’m still trying to convince Tony maybe one day I will as I feel like it just makes a home so much cozier and it’s a great skill to learn how to make a fire growing up as a kid. One that I know I will definitely pass on what I have learned growing up on a farm and all the skills I learned to our beautiful child when the time comes.

We cannot wait to come back to this slice of heaven one day with our lil one. It might be tiny in size but it is packed full of luxury surrounded by nature and all the goodness that comes from mother earth.

Ps. it has a compost toilet which was the first time either of us had used one and it was really cool. I’m a bit of a Eco Geek and find so much pleasure with learning how to live off grid and this place was exceptionally built! They have truly thought of everything you would need to enjoy your stay including having Battleship board game which Tony had never played before and I won (of course)


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