How energy is connecting us to everything

Energy is how we are connecting to all the energy around us which influence every minute/hour/day/week

It was a small gathering last Friday morning in the park we discussed/drew our energy levels throughout the week….

See how I drew my energy levels 🌻 below

Side note:
I am very inspired by daisy’s right now and have been for a while now… as I have been working on a new creative project which will be revealed soon…

- I love Mondays and feel so much energy

- my energy is still high from Monday but probably 20% less

- energy levels drop massively

- I perk up a bit as my slow Wednesday gives me energy for Thursday

- I decided this year to channel more creative energy into Fridays which is when I work on my new project! I feel so expansive on Fridays as doing creative work you can visually see your work blossoming vs computer 💻 work it’s hard to tell.

Part of what I’ve worked on since last year was working with my energy levels and matching it with my work vs forcing myself to just keep pushing and demanding so much all the time of myself.

It took some time to figure out my own pattern of energy but so far I look forward to each day.

Saturday and Sunday I don’t include in my week as I freestyle and do whatever … sometimes I do house projects or work projects or NOTHING at all.

The map of flowers also showcases the flow of my day as I drop in energy around 2-3pm like most people but I get a burst of energy when I teach at 6:00pm till 8pm as I am surrounded by my tribe of students.. which I look forward to in my day.

My experience is different as I’m self-employed and can design my life to be the way I want it to be. This was my intention and can be for you as well.

We can all figure out ways to channel our energy that suits our needs… we just don’t really give ourselves time to think about it.

Share below if you have changed your schedule to suit your energy levels and how that has helped you…
Or if you haven’t done or thought of doing something like this but would like too…

I have more to share on this in a later post!


New Pottery Adventure


Baby Announcement