New Pottery Adventure

So I have been working on a new endeavour this year as I had talked all last year about wanting to do Pottery to the point Tony just said to me, JUST DO IT!

So I think in Feb I started practising making pottery by hand and self-teaching me all about pottery as there is a lot to it!!!!!!!!!!

Tony and my best gal friends organised a surprise pottery class in 2019 which I enjoyed getting my hand messy working with the clay. Working with the wheel was challenging, so I decided to start small and make clay with my hands 🙌🏽 for now!

It has been such an excellent creative process for me, and I love it that I look forward to every Friday to do my Pottery as I have designated that day to be creative.

One day I make mugs, and the following week I paint 🎨 the mugs, then depending on the kiln firing queue will depend on when I get it back … it’s an LLOOOONNNNNGGGGGGG process to make one mug ☕️

But I decided to have fun and practice being imperfect, so all these mugs will not look perfect; they are all different shapes and have different painted patterns! No one mug looks like another. They are all very unique.

I also decided to do a little addition for the yogi tribe and make five mugs with Care More Community.


What do you do to get out of your funky mood?


How energy is connecting us to everything