What do you do to get out of your funky mood?


I write whatever is troubling me in a journal to help store the information somewhere else.

This can help me at any point of the day to let out my emotions and just process how I am feeling deep down inside.

Meditating makes me feel so good… as it sets the intention for the day ahead and if I am really good in the evening it helps ground me into a peaceful sleep as I let go of my day and just brings me back to the present moment.


Cacao is part of my morning ritual every day instead of coffee.

But it also can serve as a nice pick me up around 3:00 pm afternoon blues if I feel my energy level drop low and I need a pick me up.

See how I make it quick and easy every day here in this demo

I purchase my Ceremonial Cacao at Wolf Medicine as it is owned by my best friend who opened her small business last year and I am so proud of her.

So thankful I have a daily yoga practice to also help me get out of any mood or help inspire me into wonderful new energy. Don’t forget to book your class now so you ensure your giving yourself time once a week at least to enjoy moving your body.

5-7 minutes doing Sun Salutation A Flow can revitalise your body which ultimately lifts your mood into such a great spirit for the rest of the day

Essentils Oils

During the day method

Put my diffuser on in the room I am in to help lift my mood

  • Elevation Blend makes me feel really happy and uplifted

  • Adaptiv Blend makes me feel really calm and focused

  • Bergamot makes me feel lots of self love

Evening method

Run a HOT bubble bath with your favourite essential oils … Lavender Peace oil blend is one of my go-to to relax my mind, body and spirit. Just a few drops can change my mood, so simple yet so effective!

What are your go-to things to help change your funky mood?


5 Reasons To Buy DoTerra Essentials Oils


New Pottery Adventure